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11- Tagline, elevator pitch, short and long descriptions for a brandcreate descriptions for your brand providing info you havebusinesscopywritingmarketing
- Шеф кухарВипадковий рецепт відповідно до списку продуктіcopywritingeducation
- Write an Ad HeadlineFacebook, Google Ads etccopywritingmarketingsmm
- Write a blog articleJust topic and segmentscopywritingsmm
- Summarize the textSummarize the text into bullet points or simple textcopywritingother
- Write an email to a clientbusinesscopywritingentrepreneur
- CV Introduction for IT departmentGenerates the short introduction for every CVcopywritingdevelopmentrecruiting
- CoinTracker: The Ultimate Bitcoin Wallet AppThe text discusses the development of a Crypto wallet app called CoinTracker. This app allows users to send, withdraw, and track their bitcoin. It helps users keep track of their cryptocurrency transactions conveniently.businesscopywritingdesign
- Birokrasi di Italia: Sudah Efektif atau Tidak?Description: This article discusses the state bureaucracy in Italy and whether it functions effectively. It outlines the structure of an essay on this topic, including the introduction, background, main focus, framework, argumentscopywriting
- Efficiency of Italys Bureaucracy: An Analysis and Opinioncopywriting
- Analisis Birokrasi Negara Italia: Kinerja dan Perspektif Sumber Referensi: 1. Bureaucracy and Public Administration inAnalisis tipe birokrasi negara Italia dan apakah sudah efektif. Essay akan membahas latar belakang, fokus utama, kerangka pembahcopywriting